pure land ap art history

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This preview shows page 1 - 2 out of 2 pages. Intended Purpose: ensure that the viewers have a longer, more meditative relationship with a moment of this experience. Contemporary Japanese artist; lives in London, New York and Tokyo; Theme: universal questions at the intersection of life, death, reality, and technology; Mariko Mori, Pure Land, 1998, color photograph on glass, Los Angeles Country Museum of Art, Los Angeles, California. Please contact Adobe Support. Early European and Colonial American Works 053 – Merovingian Looped Fibula. Pure Land in Japan . Stuck? Ancestors would serve as more intimate gods to the Chokwe, and they were considered part of the tribal “family” to Present ENDURING UNDERSTANDING 10-1. History in India.   Terms.

What is the geography of the area, and how does it shape its art? Global contemporary art is characterized by a transcendence of traditional conceptions of art and is … Honen emphasized the recitation of the Nembutsu above all other practices, including visualization, rituals, and even the Precepts. AP®︎/College Art History. Unit: Global contemporary: 1980-present . AP Art History Snapshot Image #: 241 Title/Designation: Pure Land Content Area: Global and Contemporary Paste Image(s) in These events would include performances from dancers and musicians. Materials & Technique: A color photograph set within glass, a counterpart of Mori's 3D video installation Nirvana. Pure Land CindY Liang. Naturalistic depiction of a woman’s face with elaborately styled hair, earrings, and tattoos, Ideal features including wide forehead, small nose, calm expression, healthy (reddish brown) complexion, delicately rounded ears, mouth, and chin, Neat lines and circles, use of symmetric shapes, Crafted with very delicate carvings hence capturing a calm expression, has a broad and soft forehead and large, white, round eye sockets with almond eyes that are almost closed and bisected laterally by horizontal lines, glowing reddish brown surface represents healthy skin, Slender nose, elliptical mouth and hemispherical ears, On the side of face signs shown or repair, signs of long use, On the left cheek and forehead are the triangles of the tattoo (cingelyengelye), Forehead/ temple: tatto mitelumuna (knitted eyebrows), Under the eyes are tattoos that signify tears, To honor an ideal Chokwe woman who had successfully given birth, Two performers, one wearing the pwo mask and one wearing a mask of her male counterpart, Cihongo, would dance and perform rituals meaning to give the tribe/village/community fertility and prosperity, Used during male initiation rites to teach young boys about how they should behave as well as to show them the type of ideal woman (who is like Pwo) that they should be looking for as a wife, It is danced during male initiation rites to show young boys what they should be looking for in their wives (looks and behaviors), Danced for serious reasons and as for entertainment sometimes with the Cihongo (founding father) mask, Show the beauty of woman and their fertility, Cingelyengelye on forehead and cheeks (tattoos), The hairstyle on the mask represents a common Chokwe women’s hairstyle called coat, which includes a braided headband and heavy fringe coated with red earth (plaiting), Pwo- the founding mother and deity who represents fertility, This mask represents Pwo Mwana,  who is the younger and more idealized founding mother, Left cheek is the cingelyengelye: occurred as a necklace in the form of a cross, cut from tin plate and worn by the Chokwe as an amulet, Capuchin monks from the Order of Christ of Portugal disturbed medals (form of a cross) across the Chokwe land and most likely this was a prototype, Right cheek is the cijingo: in combination with a cross, denotes a spiral brass bracelet, Forehead: mitelumuna (knitted eyebrows) an allusion to discontentedness or arrogance, Under the eyes is the masoji, signifying tears, The whiteness around her eyes: spiritual realm/ her eyes are the most important part of face, The huge eyes suggests that she is on a different level or spirituality/ power and her wisdom is so great, The ideal woman and virtues: her hairstyle was fashionable and the women could really see themselves in the mask when it was being performed: ideal womanhood, Depicts a female deity (Pwo) because she is used to help teach the boys being initiated into the society as men what appropriate behavior towards women is and how they should respect them, Young and fertile and has successfully given birth: influence women that it is their duty to their Chokwe lineage by bearing children and taking care of them, Respecting her bravery and courage to give birth to a child: she is so important because the Chokwe people hold a lot of respect for female deities, female ancestors, mothers/sisters/wives because they are a matrilineal society where the ancestry and inheritance is passed through the line of the mother.

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