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If you had one life to live this time round what would you do with it?

How Important are your Exits when Trading? Luckily, there are a few tried-and-tested options to minimise the risk of failure, allow you to dip your toes in the water, start your business sooner rather than later and begin making real money from your fledgeling venture before actually handing in your notice! If your lifestyle impedes you being who you are then dump it. Think journey.

If you are tired of making your boss rich, you are in the right place! We will explore everything from volunteering as a first step, to “going cold turkey” and everything in between.

Try this exercise by completing the following sentence. Exit The Rat Race With This Strategy. But it can also be fun too!

This is why I’ve created the How to Quit Your Job - 12 Ways to Transition course.

FREE Escape the Rat Race Checklist How To Quit Your Job - 12 Ways ... And because your situation is unique, you need an exit strategy for leaving your job that works for you.

Forget the race. (900 Views) Exit Of 109 Companies From NSE Causes Anxiety / Learn In Order To Leave To Rat Race / Eureka Eureka!!!

What could you not be dissuaded from believing in, no matter what? Create a vision of where it would be, who you're with, what you're doing. Temptations will abound to take a few laps round the old racecourse when the going gets tough. I still have electricity and heat. What do you stand for?

If you want build your own career away from the rat race, free from the cubicle-prison, without the office drab, you need to be an outlier.

Also, it’s time to make alternative plans just in case you don't win the lottery or get a salary increase.

Exit strategies are plans executed by business owners, investors, traders, or venture capitalists Venture Capital Venture capital is a form of financing that provides funds to early stage, emerging companies with high growth potential, in exchange for equity or an ownership stake. People you know may be understanding or incredulous, and won’t hesitate to give you their opinion.

So don’t treat it like one. Sometimes the only way to “win” a race - where there can be no winner - is to just stop running. A life buys satisfaction and contentment. Who hasn’t had a moment in their lives where you’ve asked yourself the question: “Why am I doing this?”  Whether it's who you've become, the business you are... We can all get in a rut from time to time.

Business Exit Planning and the Rise of the Internal Transfers. We get so caught up in “doing” things  - for the business, for work, for others – things we think we should be doing, that we take no time to consider what we really want. Choosing to live your life in your own way is tougher than staying in your rat race. © 2019, Blaire Palmer, A Brilliant Gamble, How To Quit Your Job - 12 Ways to Transition. People you know may be understanding or incredulous, and won’t hesitate to give you their opinion. For those of you who don’t know, a dry cabin is a cabin without running water or plumbing, meaning I have an outhouse and have to go into town to take a shower or do laundry. The Cabin Pivot.

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